In the small town of Baisareye, in the hills of South Lebanon, another artist was born in 1984. May Jaafar, even as a child back in the day, she was drawn to the world of art. As she grew older, she studied the works of the Lebanese Surrealist Artist, Samir Abi Rashid, and later, the British contemporary artist, David Hockney, as she pursued her master's degree in Fine Arts. It was through her studies of Hockney that May found the courage to express herself without fear or hesitation, for the first time in her life.
May's passion for art continued to grow, and she became a teacher of fashion and jewelry at Al-Amal Technical Institute in Sarafand. She also joined the Nabatieh Artistic Spectra Forum and became a member of the Tyre Heritage and Development Association. Her art has been featured in numerous group exhibitions, and she has taken part in live drawing events. She held her private exhibition, titled "Details of a Woman," and has participated in countless others, including "Art of Love" on the International Day of People with Special Needs. May's art reflects her soul, her struggles, and her triumphs, inviting us to see the world through her eyes.
📍 Baisareye, Tyre
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