In the coastal town of Tyre, in 1971, a creative soul was born into the world. Her name was Rima Hawila, and she would grow up to become a prominent name in Lebanon's art industry. Her journey began at Cadmous College, where she completed her schooling before earning a high certificate in Fine Arts from the Lebanese University in 1997.
Rima's passion for art led her to KSA, where she taught arts at the Towaik School and Nour al Maaref. However, her heart remained in Lebanon, where she continued to inspire young minds as a handicraft and drawing instructor at the Imam Sadr Foundation and an art teacher at Al Abbassieh High School. She also instructed the DPNA and the International Association to Save Tyre.
Rima's art is a reflection of her complex emotions and her community's struggles. Before art school, she was drawn to the vibrant colors of the Fauvism School, which allowed her to express her rage, joy, and grief. Her spontaneous paintings captured the Fauvism aesthetic, and she later became more affected by Expressionism, which she found natural to represent herself and the humanitarian issues she supports. Over the years, Rima participated in 13 exhibitions, including a solo exhibition titled "Awakening the Gods" at Mountada Tyre in 2013. Her other exhibitions took place at various locations, including the Cultural Council of South Lebanon, Maarouf Saad Cultural Center, Tadamon Cultural Club Center, French Embassy in Riyadh, Riyadh El Cham for Arab Artists, Tyre Festival Symposium, Saida Khan el Franj, Tyre Symposium Flowers to Ghazza, Bint Jbail workshop mural painting, and Ras el Matn.
Rima Hawila is not just an artist, but a human being with a story to tell. Her art is a reflection of her soul, her struggles, and her triumphs. Through her paintings, she invites us to see the world through her eyes and connect with the emotions that inspire her creations.
📍 Bourj El Chemali, Tyre
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