In the city of Tyre, nestled in the southern corner of Lebanon, Soukayna Hawila drew her first breath in 1981. Her journey as an artist began with a degree in Graphic Design from the Lebanese International University in 2016, followed by a master’s degree in visual communications in 2019 at the Lebanese University.
Hawila's creative fire ignited while working as a graphic designer at Walnut Global-Beirut and Ahwal Media. Her passion for watercolor painting bloomed into a breathtaking display of expressive and spontaneous art. Hawila's work has been showcased in numerous group exhibitions, including Minus Two in Beirut (2020), Gallery Cheriff Tabet’s "L'artist en Elle" (2018), and Green Southerns in Tyre (2018). Her talent and hard work have been recognized through accolades from the LIU Design Department and the Municipality of Bint Jbeil.
But beyond the awards and exhibitions, Hawila's art reflects her soul, her personality, and her triumphs. Through her paintings, she invites us to see the world through her eyes and connect with the emotions that inspire her creations. She is a human, a storyteller, and an artist in every sense of the word.
📍 Bourj El Chemali, Tyre
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